sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

Official F1'07 bet

Well, last week, the freak "5 slots Disponibles" club were joined to dinner in the Foster's Holliwood.
It has not seems somehing strange, bu in this meeting we did a bet, jeje.

It was about who win the F1 Championship'07.
Well, better, we bet about what was the podium, to do more difficult, jiji.

And now, There are the bets for each component of the club.

- to guess right the campion of the championship, his owner gains 5 points.
- to guess right the second of the championship, his owner gains 4 points.
- to guess right the third of the championship, his owner gains 3 points.
- If the name of one pilot is in the podium, but not in the right possition, his owner gains 2 points.

FerrariFerrariFerrariFerrariMc Laren
Mc LarenMc LarenMc LarenMc LarenFerrari

Do it your bets.... Who will win the fame?

P.D.: Of course, I was the first in saying my bet, and all were based on my immense wisdom, jaja.

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